Welcome to Moser Training Solutions, LLC (MTS)

MTS is privileged to work with corporate and government leaders who want to improve employee and customer satisfaction, while enhancing both individual and team performance.

What we do:

  • Provide professional and career development training
  • Customize training to the client’s needs
  • Coaching (career advancement, writing skills, employee guidance)
  • Project management and consultation

Join more than 25,000 other MTS training participants, and let us challenge the way your employees think and improve the way they perform! MTS is an authorized partner of Everything DiSC® and The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team®.

Click here to learn more about Everything DiSC® profiles, and how these powerful tools can enhance your team!


Blended eLearning Available 24/7 (start class at your convenience)
FTO & PTO Certification

Jan. 6-9, FTO, Westminster (CO)
Jan. 13-17, Inst. Methodology, Arapahoe (CO)
Jan. 27-31. Inst. Methodology, Golden (CO)
Feb. 10-13, FTO, Denver (CO)
Feb. 18-20, FTO, St. Louis (MO)
March 10-13, FTO, Thornton (CO)
April 1-3, FTO, SILEC (IL)
Apr. 30-May 2, FTO, Ashburn (VA)
May 5-8, FTO, Denver (CO)
May 28-30, FTO, St. Louis (MO)
Jun. 2-6. Inst. Methodology, Lakewood (CO)

Under performing trainees?

Our tools can help develop their…

  • interpersonal communication,
  • effective written communication,
  • study and recall of large content,
  • approaches to test taking,
  • decision-making,
  • critical-thinking, and
  • problem-solving skills.

Proven Past Performance

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